Uriel's Mask
a novel.
The House of the Spirits meets Where the Crawdads Sing with a touch of The Help in Uriel’s Mask by Laura K. Roe, a southern family saga where the dreams and ghosts of each generation leave indelible marks on the next. Roe conveys the powerlessness that spirals into addiction, family abuse, and neglect—issues many southerners know and intrinsically feel—like humidity’s grounding weight.
"Sometimes you find a novel that reminds you of the timeless power of art and music, a compelling novel that you find yourself both immersed in and captivated by. This is one of those! Haunting and beautiful, Laura Roe has found her voice in this unique work that sends a clear message: love, music and art can carry us home." ~ Patti Callahan Henry, New York Times Bestselling Author of Surviving Savannah, Becoming Mrs. Lewis, and The Secret Book of Flora Lea.
Representation by:
Delia Berrigan
An Excerpt: Chapter 1
August 27, 1959
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Experts say the odds of a person being struck by lightning are one in three thousand. However, a certain type of lightning strikes many at least once in a lifetime, more if they're lucky.
It was 11:15 a.m. Melody Rigby was standing in line outside the registration building, wiping sweat from her now curling hair. She wasn't used to the North Carolina heat and humidity.
As she watched a stranger, she was simultaneously shocked and excited by how her body responded. Her heart drummed in her ears, like a persistent train, chugging closer. The electric pull was intense. She yearned to know this man. She wanted to smell him.
Her hands were sweating. Melody needed to take off her gloves—idiotic university dress code for girls. Her legs itched from the sweat dripping through her scratchy knee socks that were now sliding down her skinny calves. She felt like an idiot. Half-moon stains emerged underneath the armpits of her pink, long-sleeved, silk blouse. Her throat was dry.
Across the quad, under a weeping willow tree, sat the most sexy, brooding man Melody had ever seen. Well, he was hardly a man, but he had the effect of a worldly man. The silly freshman boys in line with her hardly compared. This man must have witnessed atrocities. He was a man with emotional scars. She could tell. Clearly, he was light years beyond this college environment she now found herself in. He wasn't a part of this school—this self-conscious, hormone-fueled, party setting. He oozed with an aloof, coolness that drew Melody to him. Melody stared at his lips as he sucked on the end of a cigarette. She wanted to be that cigarette.

Between Thoughts of You
A love story.
To read an excerpt, go here. This novel was inspired by many days in Hawaii and in Tuscany. I'm excited to hear your thoughts! L x
"In her novel, Between Thoughts of You, Laura K. Roe reveals an intimate portrait of regret and longing-for love, forgiveness, and understanding. As readers, we share the intimacy of secrets held soul deep, like buried treasure. This is a delicious read with compassion and cultural dexterity." ~ Patricia Crisafulli, best selling author and publisher of Faith, Hope, & Fiction magazine.
Available Now! For bulk orders at discounted rates, please contact Laura: Laura@LauraKRoe.com. Enjoy this audio file of one of Laura's meditations.