You're Invited to a FREE Meditation :)
It's a meditation event. Hold your horses. Cancel your 7 p.m. Thursday night Netflix binge. I'm hosting, well, my friend Beth Loughman is hosting, a meditation event to celebrate my book launch in January and the first print-run sale out—AND to kick off a fundraiser for! (I am donating HALF of proceeds for each book sold in March to, so go to: to purchase, or dm me if you'd like a bulk order at a discounted rate...great for corporate gifts.)
So, without further ado, please come to my meditation event. Join us via zoom to experience a guided meditation by me, just for you. Within ten minutes, you'll lower your stress, begin to feel more at ease, peaceful, perhaps even serene. Isn't that amazing? In the very least, I hope it can help you let go of any pandemic anxiety and grief, so you can begin to feel lighter, more hopeful, rested.
Are you in? Hope so! Feel free to bring a virtual friend, too. As the more people on this planet who can lower their stress levels and fall into a peaceful rhythm, the better. :)
Here are the details:
When: Thursday, March 4, 2021
Time: 7 p.m. Pacific / 10 p.m. EST
Duration: 15 minutes! (But log on 15 minutes early, grab some snacks, your favorite beverage and hang out with me and my friends in LA as we set up, chit chat in Beth's gorgeous backyard with twinkle lights and hip music to get you in a relaxed and in a positive, creative mood.
Where: VIA ZOOM :
Zoom link:
ID: 871 654 3157 Passcode: WKkj3G
So, are you coming? Need any more inspiration to join us?
- How about saying hi?
- Have you ever meditated on the power of love with others? It's like hundreds of flower petals blooming at the same time. The energy is amazing.
- Have you ever felt the shift from a virtual hug?
- Need your dose of warm and fuzzies without a lingering hangover?
- And how cool is it that you can try guided meditation in the comfort of your own home where no one can see you?
- Oh and, my seasoned meditators, you get the perk of not meditating in a yoga studio where the next person on the mat may be a heavy breather or hack cougher. There's that.
- Got high blood pressure, a genetic history of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, anxiety disorders? This will help.
- Did you know a regular meditation practice helps you sleep better and ramps up your sex drive? WOWZA. That's better than a little purple pill.
- Bottom line: a meditation practice improves your life and relationships. How? Well, it lowers levels of cortisol, glucagon, adrenaline (stress hormones) that flow through your body during times of pressure, anxiety (American living, ahem) that build up over time. When these hormones are high, heart levels increase, thinking scatters, we are reactive, and more likely to be hostile or aggressive. Meditation helps you take a breather, a pause, to detach, and feel as if you've had a marvelous night of sleep, so you can focus calmly and better communicate, from a place of peace, with those you love. You may even be able to accept, and even get a chuckle from, the things they do that used to annoy you. How cool is that??
- Finally, as a health care journalist for 20 years, I've talked with Drs whose research confirm meditation reduces your risk for: Alzheimer's, depression, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, auto-immune diseases, and is also linked to thwarting suicidal tendencies. I know from experience, that meditation reduces flare-ups from auto-immune disease. (Insert happy dance here! :))
So, what are you waiting for? Come join us. My heart is open and I'm happy to share a meditation that I created while teaching yoga to hospital patients.
See you soon!
Laura x